How to set young kids up for a successful photoshoot
Getting young kids ready for a photoshoot can be stressful, but if you follow these tips it will drastically improve your experience as well as your kids experience, and bonus, you will get better photos to update that wall that hasn’t been changed in 5 years. Let’s cut to the chase.
Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail- Have the clothes picked out for your family (ideally you have already gotten these and have them ready for the day). Iron them the day before and have them completely ready to go. I recommend not dressing your kids until you get to the session to eliminate food stains, spit up, all the joys of childhood that ruin clothes.
Nap, nap, nap- On the day of the photoshoot prioritize naptime. This is not the day to burn the nap and head to the county fair. If you have a very stimulating day before your photoshoot, the likelihood of a meltdown goes up by 256% (yes I made that up, but go with it). Try to keep the day as chill as possible before family photos.
Feed them healthy food- The day of the shoot make sure your kids get some protein so they feel full and happy during the shoot. Try not to give them too much sugar because blood sugar crashes are real and I am a testament to that if my blood sugar drops, I am not a happy camper either.
Prepare them for what is about to happen- They already know that something different is going on. If they are old enough, let them play pretend photographer for the morning and let them take pictures with their phone. Show them my photo and tell them Miss Laura will be taking your pictures today and she is so much fun (this is true).
Feel free to bribe them- I am not against bringing snacks to bribe kids during the photoshoot! Just make sure they are not a super messy snack. No yogurt pouches or honestly pouches of any kind. Goldfish are good, or some kind of gummies!
Allow them to bring a stuffie/lovey- I don’t know all the terms they are using these days, but whatever toy your child treasures, let them bring it to the photoshoot with them! You will love having this documented as they get older.
Bring layers-JUST IN CASE- I can’t tell you how many photoshoots that I go to where the kids are freezing and miserable. It doesn’t always happen, but when it does, the entire family suffers. So bring a cute jacket that you don’t mind being in the photos because being cold is not fun, and you can’t force someone who is cold to act happy!
Remember that a photoshoot is supposed to be fun for the whole family, so following these steps will ensure that you and your kids have the absolute best time! Now what are you waiting for?! Let’s update those walls, mom!